Summer is a fun season for families but can be a trying season for churches. With your core members out on vacation, traveling or moving, the summer season can be a time when your church loses momentum. But it doesn't have to be this way.
The best thing you can do during the summer is to be intentional with the type of sermon series you preach so you actually build momentum as you head towards the fall.
We have put together a list of the top 10 Summer Sermon Series that will speak to newcomers and members alike.
10. Lasting Legacy: A Father’s Day Message
Shortly after Easter we celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Day. What better way to celebrate than to encourage the mothers and fathers of your church to leave a lasting legacy?
What does it mean to leave a lasting legacy in God’s Kingdom? This two-week package will outline how, while strengthening all the members of your church.
9. Pentecost: The Comforter Has Come
Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter Sunday and recalls the moment the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus’ followers.
This four-week sermon series examines the work of the Holy Spirit and challenges our faith to use this precious gift.
8. Just Love: The Book of Nahum
One of the questions new believers and many members of the church have is, “Where is God in the dark times?” This question has increasing importance in light of the violence and chaos across America.
This four-week series on the book of Nahum demonstrates God at work even when things seem to be falling apart.
7. When God Doesn’t: The Book of Habakkuk
How often do you hear complaints against God and unfulfilled desires? Or complaints against the timing of God’s answers?
In this four-week sermon series, we witness the prophet Habakkuk go from questioning God to believing in God, regardless of his circumstances.
6. Raise Them Up: Parenting in a Hectic World
An important part of becoming a disciple of Christ is learning how to raise children who love the Lord. This four-week sermon series focuses on the role of adults in teaching children how to trust in God.
5. Out of Darkness: A Journey Through the Book of Exodus
What is the character of God? How do we highlight a God who protects and cares for His children, defeating enemies against all odds?
This eight-week study of Exodus reveals God’s nature as He guides His people out of Egypt.
4. What’s The Point?
Often, new believers fall into old habits and patterns of living after coming to know Christ as Lord and Savior. How do you challenge new believers and anyone slipping from faith to push deeper into relationship with the Lord?
This four-week study will help dissolve the apathy and indifference that can erode faith.
3. Downfall: The Book of Obadiah
Pride is a corrupted sense of one’s own accomplishments. How often do you see people in society bragging about their wonderful life without giving credit to the Lord for their bounty?
This one-week sermon on the book of Obadiah shows what can happen to someone who lives a life of corrupt pride.
2. None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God
Humans think of God according to their limited experience, yet God is infinite in experience and power.
This four-week powerful sermon series will challenge your imagination to expand your perception of God. Based on the book, None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God by Matthew Barrett, Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2019. Used by permission.
1. Prove It: The Book of 1 John
We all know the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” But how often do you challenge your church to reflect on whether their actions line up with their faith?
If you are ready to challenge newcomers and members alike, then this seven-week sermon series is perfect for you. Covering themes like sin, the identity of Christ, and obedience, this series will take a hard look at what it means to use sacrificial love towards God.
Whether you are encouraging your newcomers or challenging them to walk with Christ, these ten summer sermon series will help your church grow in character and love for God. Best of all, these sermons will speak to the established members of your church just as strongly as they will touch the lives of your newest members.
Does more than one sermon series grab your attention? Not to worry! Get our free preaching calendar template. It is fully customizable so you can add all the sermon series you feel led to share with your church. You can get this preaching calendar template free, even if you’re not a Ministry Pass subscriber yet.
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