11 Easter Sermon Series Ideas & Graphics for Your Church

11 Easter Sermon Series Ideas & Graphics for Your Church

11 Easter Sermon Series Ideas & Graphics for Your Church

Read More https://youtu.be/wtr-92beXhU

At Ministry Pass, we create over 20 series every month, an our sermon series & message library contains tons of Easter series & messages. All that variety means there’s a series or message that’s a perfect fit for your church. In today’s episode, we’re highlighting 11 of our very favorite options to point you in the right direction! As we do, we’ll explain the main thought & design process behind each to help you pick the best fit.

We’ll start by helping you pick your content. Now, we know, you’re probably thinking, “It’s Easter! I’m going to be talking about Jesus’ resurrection! But the resurrection is like a diamond- there are so many facets to it, and each is a beautiful part of the whole. In your message, you can focus on one facet or angle of the resurrection to make the rest of it more vibrant.

Some of what we’ll cover in today’s episode are “Easter” stand-alone messages, and some are Lenten series to help you help your people prepare their hearts to celebrate all that Jesus has done for us. But first, let’s walk through the design & though process that goes into each of these sermons.

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How We Create Easter Sermon Series

First, we sit down as a group and brainstorm Easter sermon series ideas. Not all the ideas get used, but we assign a writer for every idea that we decide to implement. Our writers help us craft the series or sermon based off that idea. Not all of our writers do an Easter series for us, but at least half do.

There are two things that set each Easter sermon series apart: first, the different angles to the story. Our writers will give direction on passages to use & directions to go when telling the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Once the main idea has been developed, it’s time for the second element that will set the series apart: the design. We send the concept to our graphic designers, and we really work on creating a variety of color palettes and design palettes for the idea. That way, it doesn’t matter if you’re traditional or contemporary, there’s something for you with the particular angle you want to tell. In other words, we create a number of different sermon series, but even more graphics. So as you scroll through our site, you’ll notice that some of the series have different designs but that same content. That’s so that you can customize the content to fit your church.

We start working on these Easter & Lent series in the summer! We know we a variety of traditions: Non-demoniational churches, Baptist churches, Presbyterian churches, etc.- and we want to make sure the designs serve you well. The content is tried & true, based on the Word of God. The design is where you’ll see the variations that you can tailor to your context.

Easter Sunday Messages

Need a stand-alone message for Easter? Look no further than these beautiful options!

Risen Easter Sunday Sermon Graphic

This beautiful design really does set the stage for your message. It will help you communicate the idea of life springing forth from death because when your people look at the design, that idea immediately comes to mind. The content itself looks at the contrast between the fall & the resurrection of Jesus.

Made New
Made New Easter Sunday Sermon Graphic

Similar to “Risen” in design, another great series is “Made New: From Death to Life.” The content for this message essentially says the death does not have the final say.

There are so many ways you can apply the resurrection of Jesus- it literally transforms every aspect of our lives. As we go on, you’ll notice that you get different designs and different angles, all telling the same story of how Jesus can give us life.

Resurrection Sunday
Resurrection Sunday Easter Sermon Graphic

This message part of our Lectionary Calendar. It’s a clean, minimalistic design, and the content is about the importance of seeking after Jesus. This message is about is taking your Easter Sunday from, “Jesus is risen! That’s great!” to “Jesus is risen! That’s great! Here’s how we live that out.” You’ll talk about seeking after Him & living in light of the resurrection.

Easter Sunday: Life to Life
Easter Sunday Life To Life Easter Sunday Sermon Graphic

This is one of our favorite designs for this year, and the content is top-notch too! In this message, you’ll look at resurrection of Jesus through the perspective of the Emmaus Road experience in the Bible. Once again, you’re looking at the Easter story, but there are a ton of different angles you can explore with it.

Lenten & Easter Sermon Series

If you want to go into more depth in helping your people prepare their hearts for Easter, one of these series celebrating Lent are great options!

Ashes to Ashes
Ashes To Ashes A Lent Sermon Series Graphic

Lent is a chance to pause and consider the foundational tenant of our Christian faith- the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ- and, at the same time, to consider that we are all sinners in need of grace. As you teach this content with your congregation over 7 messages, that will come clear. In addition to the reflective nature of the series, it features beautiful artwork.

We’ve seen a lot of pastors really interested in Lent series, so we’ve committed to producing more, and this is one of our most traditional. This series is designed to start on Ash Wednesday and then go for 6 weeks on Sunday, but you can modify that to fit your context- by using the video on social media on Wednesday if you don’t have a service, or by preaching from it for 7 Sundays.

Grounding Lent Sermon Series Graphic

Grounding is another design option for the Ashes to Ashes content, but it has a more modern flair to the design. Pick the one that works best for your context!

Broken: Preparing for Easter
Broken Preparing For Easter Lent Sermon Series Graphic

This is a 4-week series that looks at the implications of Jesus’ death and resurrection. In other words- what does it mean for me? People know that Jesus died and rose from the dead, but don’t necessarily see how that connects to their every day. This series helps explain that we’re all broken individuals, and there’s Someone who doesn’t want to just put us back together but to make us new.

The darker theme to the artwork really communicates how lost we are without Jesus- it’s a beautiful way to present the gospel and refresh your people with its beauty.

Just As He Promised
Just As He Promised Lent Sermon Series Graphic

This is the Lent option from our Lectionary Calendar. It’s a 6-week sermon series, focusing on the promises that God has made to us. Like the rest of the series in the calendar, it’s a beautiful, timeless, and clean design.

Lent: Remembrance, Repentance, Renewal
Lent Sermon Series Graphic

This series features a visually amazing design in black and purple. The content speaks to both our morality and the hope we have in the new heavens and new earth. It does what every great Lent series should: prepare our hearts for Easter.

The Road to Easter
The Road To Easter Holy Week Sermon Series Graphic

This four-week series starts before Easter to help your people prepare their hearts and minds for Easter. It’s designed to start 3 weeks before Easte. In this series, you’ll go on a journey through the different roads Jesus traveled during His death & resurrection. The first message is about when Jesus comes into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the second is the path in Gethsemane, the third is the road to Calvary or the Via Della Rosa, and the fourth is the Emmaus Road. East message looks at story of Jesus’ death and resurrection through these paths- it’s one of the most unique and meaningful Easter series we have.

Series Especially Good for Live Streaming

So many churches will be emphasizing online services this year, so we’ve made sure that we have messages specifically developed for digital services! Here are our top picks:

No Grave
No Grave Easter Online Graphic

This series is a little more apologetic in nature & looks at the evidence and meaning behind Jesus’ statement that He is the resurrection and the life. Look for the “Streaming Online” label for your online service, or follow the link above.

Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday Streaming Service Graphic

This message bundle has the same content as “No Grave” but a very different, symbolic look. The design has the sun rising, speaking of new dawn & new birth at Easter.

These are just 11 picks out of the huge selection of messages and series you’ll find on Ministry Pass. If you don’t see one you like here, search for “Easter” on the site, and you’ll find something where the design and content meet your church’s needs.

What we’re aiming to do is come alongside you and be your research team. We’ll help you set the framework- we’re not writing a sermon for you. It’s your unique voice, but we’re giving you the foundation of content, so you can add your own voice and perspective. It’s your sermon, but we’re saving you hours and money on design, media, and video production time, in addition to hours on research.

If you’re not part of Ministry Pass, Easter is a great time to sign up for a free trial. Check it out for two weeks and see if it helps you!

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