First I want to be balanced in content.
That means I need to do a doctrinal series, a relational series, and an ethical series. I want to strike a balance between Old Testament and New Testament. And I want to preach to people at various stages of spiritual growth.Second, I want to have balance in terms of style.
I may do a character series such as a series on Moses, Joseph, or Joshua from Hebrews 11. I may also do a series on the life of Christ or events from his life such as His miracles or His parables. I might also teach through a book of the Bible like James, Philippines, Peter, Proverbs, or Ecclesiastes.Third, I like to have balance in tone.
This is very important. 1 Corinthians 14:3 speaks of having a balance between building up, firing up and holding up. It’s out of balance to spend your whole year preaching in any one of these tones exclusively. All comfort and no challenge produces a soft congregation. And all challenge and no comfort produces a warn-out congregation. I’ve found it helpful to identify the emotional stance of each message before sharing it. It has more impact when you know what feeling you’re going to produce. And fourth, I want to balance the five purposes of the church. Always remember that there is a corporate aspect in preaching. As we preach to move individual people along spiritually, we are also moving the church along. So I always try to preach a series that relates to evangelism, another to fellowship and relationships, another to worship or prayer, another to discipleship or being more Christ-like, and another to serving and ministry.COMING SOON!