7 Ways Pastors are Getting Enormous Value from Ministry Pass Outside of Sundays

7 Ways Pastors are Getting Enormous Value from Ministry Pass Outside of Sundays

With libraries of sermon series, including sermons for specific seasons, sermons for youth groups, sermons for the New Year, and more, Ministry Pass helps pastors with countless hours of Sunday morning preparation. But did you know that Ministry Pass is helpful to pastors even outside of Sunday mornings? In addition to Sunday morning services, here are seven ways pastors are using Ministry Pass to grow their churches, reach more people, and help their congregation members grow stronger in their faith.

Seminars and Workshops

Ministry Pass resources can be used to create and host seminars and workshops. For example, Ministry Pass series such as Raise Them Up or Parenting Fail would work as a great starting point for a church hosting a parenting workshop. Between those two series alone, pastors can find series guides, illustrations, talking points, social media graphics, and more to create a helpful and effective workshop.
Raise Them Up: Parenting in a Hectic World

Marriage Retreats and Mens/Women's Retreats

When hosting a retreat, churches have plenty of logistics to worry about - seating plans, locations, registration, and more. Why not take one thing off the to-do list and stop worrying about retreat curriculum and programming?

Till Death Due Us Part Marriage Sermon Series Graphic

For example, if a church was hosting a marriage retreat, there are countless Ministry Pass resources to make the retreat a success. Till Death Do Us Part, After The Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Wrong, Marriage Story, and other series provideillustrations, talking points, small group questions, graphics, and more. That’s half the retreat planning list, already completed!

Midweek Bible Studies

According to a 2018 study, 90% of churches have Wednesday night events, including Bible studies, small groups, and worship services. Many pastors and church leaders utilize Ministry Pass resources for their midweek Bible studies. 

prayer sermon series

For example, this six-week series through the Prayers of the Psalms allows groups to explore emotions and experiences together, using the series guide to introduce the topic and small group questions to dig deeper. This resource leads groups directly to Scripture as a starting point for discussion and study.

Small Groups

Want to take sermon application deeper at your church? Pastors use Ministry Pass small group discussion questions (included with most series) as a way to continue the conversation past Sunday morning. 

Next Door The Art Of Neighboring Sermon Series Graphic

For example, if a church was going through the Art of Neighboring series, small groups could dig deeper into the topics with series discussion questions. These questions would lead the group into increased understanding, practical application, and more intentional community. 

Discipleship Groups

Before leaving earth, Jesus charged his followers to teach others to obey His commands (Matthew 28:20, New International Version). This is a core discipleship group concept. When discipling congregation members, pastors and leaders instruct them how to study Scripture and how to build consistent Spiritual habits, among other things. 

Ministry Pass has resources to support both of these objectives. With series such as Spiritual Habits and How to Study The Bible, pastors can lead discipleship group members deeper in their personal relationships with Christ.

Guest Preaching

When pastors are guest preaching at a revival, church retreat, or other special event, it can be hard to find a sermon topic. That’s why Ministry Pass has many sermon outlines on topics you can preach anytime. Pastors can find sermons on faith, discipleship, salvation, unity, and more - all topics that work well as stand-alone, guest preaching opportunities.

Online Discipleship

Social Faith Social Media Sermon Series Graphic

In a COVID and Post-COVID world, the need for online discipleship resources has become more clear than ever before. Ministry Pass series and resources work in any context, including online discipleship groups. Pastors can choose a small group discussion guide that coordinates with Sunday morning services, or choose an topic specifically relevant toonline groups, like this Social Faith series.

And, when leading an online group, be sure to check out these best practices for leading online small groups

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