Church Podcast Ideas

Church Podcast Ideas

As this infographic shows, podcasts have been an EXPLODING medium over the past few years- and there’s no sign that they’re stopping anytime soon! In a world where traditional radio is losing listeners, people are increasingly turning to podcasts for news, entertainment, and other informational needs. So, is there a way you can leverage podcasts to help people at your church and beyond grow spiritually? The answer is yes!

Whether you’re thinking of starting a church podcast or trying to get more traction, this episode covers our best ideas for church podcasts. Before we start, however, we have an important message for you: your church’s podcast doesn’t have to be limited to your Sunday sermon!

Podcasts don’t have to be limited to the Sunday Sermon

If your church already does a podcast, there’s a good chance that it’s a recording of your Sunday sermon. This format allows people to listen again, catch up, or see what sermons at your church are like. But you shouldn’t stop there! After all, your church is more than sermons, right?

What if someone goes to the service on Sunday, hears the sermon, and doesn’t particularly care to listen again? What do you have for that person?

Or what if you want to reach people outside your church? Chances are, they’re not going to be interested in subscribing to a podcast that’s just an audio recording of your preaching. What do you have for them?

As you’ll soon see, podcasts allow you to explore a lot of different areas, or take people deeper. Here are our top 4 ideas for creating a church podcast that is creative & thoughtfully serves the people you’re trying to minister to.

Church Podcast Idea #1: Take the Sermon Deeper

One simple way to add value to your podcast is to go deeper on a topic from your sermon! You know that most of the background study and material you prepare doesn’t actually make it into the sermon, but it could make it into a podcast.

If this idea appeals to you, here are a couple of fun podcast formats you could try:

  • Q&A about the sermon: Have someone sit down with you and ask questions about the sermon- you could even solicit these online, using email or your social media channels!
  • An “extended version,” where you can talk about heavier topics you didn’t discuss or didn’t have time to talk about on Sunday.

An example of this kind of podcast would be Behind the Sermon with Kristopher Loewen.

Church Podcast Idea #2: Interviews

Interviews are an amazing way to get outside perspectives and forge relationships- both inside and outside your church! Your church and community are full of interesting and knowledgable people, and a podcast is a great way to engage them in meaningful discussions. Here are just a few ways you can leverage interviews to equip your listeners to live on mission:

  • Coordinate with your current sermon series. For example, if you’re preaching on relationships, do podcast episodes where you interview a marriage counselor or experienced parents.
  • Get to know your community by interviewing local leaders and small business owners. If you’re familiar with Jeff Henderson and Gwinnett church’s #FOR movement, you’ll appreciate the power of this idea! It’s a way to show support for your local community and get them involved with your church.

An example of this kind of podcast would be Pastor Writer with Chase Repogle.

Church Podcast Idea #3: Something that Isn’t Explicitly Christian

We don’t know who needs to hear this, but your podcast doesn’t have to tied directly to your church or even be explicitly Christian in order to be a ministry. Sometimes, you have to go outside of “churchy” subjects in order to be able to speak into the lives of people who are far from God. Of course, no matter the topic, you’re going to want to remember that you represent Christ in all you do- but we think you’re likely already aware of that.

Here are some topic ideas of ways you could forge connections with people and audiences outside your church:

  • Talk about local resources and attractions
  • Create content around how Christians should respond to current events happening in your community or in the world, (Okay, this one is still Christian, but you get our point!)
  • Topics you have confidence or authority over, like leadership or music.
  • Current events
  • Community initiatives

Examples of this kind of podcast would be the Marinate on That: The Dr. Derwin Gray Podcast or The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast.

Daily or Weekly Devotionals

Finally, a great way to take your ministry into people’s week is to create short daily or weekly devotional content. You can use leftover sermon stuff for this, too, or speak on something that God is teaching you personally. The sky’s the limit!

Examples of this kind of podcast would be the Daily Hope Podcast with Pastor Rick Warren or Daily Devotionals with Pastor Xavier Ries.

Now it’s your turn!

So, now it’s your turn! What podcast will you create for your church and community? Tell us your ideas in the comments!

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