Empty & Filled: Discovering the Meaning and the Power of Lent

Empty & Filled: Discovering the Meaning and the Power of Lent
Empty and Filled Before any major event, we prepare ourselves in anticipation. We get our minds, our hearts, and our bodies ready for whatever lies ahead. The season of Lent is a lot like that. As pastors and church leaders, we have the opportunity to prepare our people for Easter and that's why we love this new series, Empty & Filled. This seven-week series explores the historic Christian season of Lent—from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday. This rich Christian tradition points us back to the reality of our sin and our desperate need for a Savior. During this season, we focus on the multifaceted aspects of repentance: recognition of our sin, hope in a Savior, and obedience as a response to his grace. Rather than engaging in empty ceremony or purely internal spiritual growth, we learn that observance of this season produces in us a richer faith for the sake of the world. This Lent, we can help our people prepare for Easter internally, but we can also help them take a step further. We can help them realize that they are filled by God to be a blessing to the entire world. If you want to help your church step out and step into their calling to make disciples, this is a sermon series that will help them do that. From the series graphic that perfectly illustrates the ideas of being empty and being filled to the small group questions to the bumper videos, social media graphics, and more, you'll have everything you need to help your church discover the meaning and power of Lent. Get this new Lent sermon series from Ministry Pass - Empty & Filled: Discovering the Meaning and the Power of Lent.  
Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of RookiePreacher.com, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_.
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