Why aren’t we known as creators—people who dare to think and do something that has never been thought or done before, something that makes the world more welcoming and thrilling and beautiful?Can you imagine your congregation's creative power being unleashed on your community, region, nation, and even the world? This series could be a gamechanger for someone in your congregation to be salt and light for Christ in their areas of influence. We love this series art and how it provokes people's attention and accurately illustrates the subject matter. As always, this sermon series comes with a full media package that can be used in various ways to promote the series, a full sermon series guide with illustration ideas, application points, and more, along with a small group guide for each week of the series. Get this new sermon series from Ministry Pass - God and Culture.
Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of RookiePreacher.com, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_.