God on Film

God on Film
God on Film Are you looking for a great summer sermon series to preach? We've got you covered with God on Film. This 4-week series is ideal for the summer blockbuster season. With so many big-budget movies hitting theaters this time of year, the people in your congregation and community can’t help but discuss each week’s latest theatrical release. Why? Because films move our imagination and capture our attention like good art does. Each message in this ‘God on Film’ series comes with a biblical text(s) and an upcoming film to illustrate some of the issues discussed in that passage. Not only will this sermon series be an exciting change of pace, it will also help your church better understand and apply the teachings of Scripture. If you're looking for a sermon series that people will want to invite their friends and neighbors to, this is it. Stories are the common language among people from all worldviews. Included in our sermon series package for God on Film are graphics that will not only help you present each week's message, but it will help you promote the series ahead of time. Additionally, you'll receive a full series guide, small group questions, PhotoShop layers, and more. Make this year's summer a summer full of stories of life change. Get the God on Film sermon series.
Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of RookiePreacher.com, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_.
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