

A revolutionary tool for building sermons

The last few years leading Ministry Pass, we have noticed an opportunity to change the way sermons were written. 84% of pastors use Microsoft Word to build their messages.
Technology has advanced in so many areas like Bible research and Bible reading but the way pastors build their sermons has remained untouched...until now. We have been developing a platform since November and it's almost ready for pastors to start using. It's called, Sermonary. If you are a pastor, you can get added to our prelaunch waiting list here: It really is something special, and I can't think of anything else like it on the market. We'll release more information soon, but for now we're gearing up for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign. Our Kickstarter launches on August 1st. By supporting Sermonary on Kickstarter, you will get it half off the normal price and you will get early access before everyone else.
  In the meantime, we had over 1,000 pastors get on the pre-launch waiting list within 24 hours on announcing. You can put your name down to be notified when we launch HERE
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