Some Assembly Required

Some Assembly Required
Marriage done God's way is beautiful. It's not built on romantic love alone, but on a foundation of following God and His will. Marriage requires work. But when both husband and wife work together, their marriage will thrive instead of simply survive.
This is why we're excited to bring you a new marriage sermon series called, Some Assembly Required. If you want your congregation to encounter God's design for marriage from His word, this is the sermon series for you and your church.
This four-week series looks at the beauty and sanctity of marriage by examining the roles of husband and wife, and the intimacy between the two as they grow closer to God. Marriage comes with assembly required, necessitating care, faithfulness, and patience between spouses. Our marriage day isn’t the beginning of a fairy tale happy ending, but the first day in a beautiful but sometimes challenging journey. We are all broken individuals, but together we can be objects of grace in and through each other. When both husband and wife follow God's design for marriage, they will help each other stay on track in their journey with God. Their relationship will grow stronger and their intimacy will become, not a chore, but an opportunity to enjoy each other even more. Churches that are filled with strong marriages are churches that thrive. We believe this series will help the married people and the people who want to be married to understand and begin to practice marriage, God's way. Some Assembly Required carries a thrust with it that communicates the fact that marriage needs to be worked at to work. From the graphics package that illustrates this truth to the small group questions that will help your congregation dive deeper into God's word to the series guide that gives you illustration ideas, you'll have everything you need for a great marriage sermon series. Get this new series from Ministry Pass - Some Assembly Required.  
Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_.
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