Stand Firm: a 1 and 2 Peter Sermon Series Bundle
Later in his life, the Apostle Peter wrote two letters to various churches facing persecution and trials in the region of Asia Minor. He focuses on encouraging these churches to stand firm in the faith that they have clung to in Jesus. Even though these letters were written nearly two thousand years ago, they are highly relevant to our day and time today. So, if you're looking for a 1 and 2 Peter sermon series to preach, we've got a bundle just for you.
Stand Firm is a six-week series on 1 and 2 Peter that focuses on how a Christian can stand firm and unwavering against expected persecution and false teaching. Even though fiery trials, opposition, and heresy can envelop our lives in a variety of ways, we can have hope in the fact that it is all for the strengthening of our faith and refinement of our hearts. This series will offer encouragement and peace to those in your congregation who might be walking through a time of difficulty and opposition.
This series strategically covers three passages from 1 Peter and three passages from 2 Peter. Through it, your congregation will be encouraged to endure hardships, to put their hope in eternity, to resist false teaching, and to live with an expectant patience.
When you grab the Stand Firm sermon series bundle, you'll receive our full sermon series guide that features Scriptures, big ideas, teaching points, and illustration ideas. Additionally, you'll receive high quality promotional and presentation media including a sermon bumper. Also, we give you small group material to help your church apply each week's message more specifically to their lives.
If God is leading you to encourage your church to stand firm in the faith, this sermon series bundle is a great way to do just that.
Get Stand Firm - a 1 and 2 Peter sermon series bundle.
Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_.
Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_.