Stories They Don't Tell You in Sunday School

Stories They Don't Tell You in Sunday School
Sometimes the most surprising of stories and circumstances can teach us the most about life following God. Scripture is packed full of small and unknown stories that pack a big punch. This is why we're excited about this new series, Stories They Don't Tell You in Sunday School.
This four-week series looks at little known or unusual Bible stories and how they offer examples of God’s work through untidy individuals or circumstances. The world is a dark place. The Bible shows us that God enters into the darkest situations to bring redemption. And then, he offers us the opportunity to be his agents of change in the world. This series looks at both Old Testament and New Testament passages with a series guide that is packed full of illustration ideas and teaching points to consider. Combine that with the small group questions, media package, and social media graphics, and you have a compelling series that your people will certainly remember and take a lot away from. By diving into some of these more unknown stories from Scripture, we believe that your people will also be compelled to read more Scripture more often. Some of the topics this series will touch on include forgiveness, courage, God's sovereignty, temptation, and more. Get this new sermon series from Ministry Pass - Stories They Don't Tell You in Sunday School.  

Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_.
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