The Preachers Handbook
Today, we’re revealing a project that’s been six years in the making. What is it, you might ask? It’s called
The Preacher’s Handbook, and it just might be your new favorite thing.
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As a pastor, there’s always so much happening in your ministry. It can be difficult to create an action plan for preaching. On top of the daily needs of your ministry, you have things like baby dedications, funerals, weddings, special seasons like Advent and Lent, and leadership responsibilities like putting together a preaching team.
If that sounds like a lot, that’s because it is.
You need resources to help you.
And when it comes to finding those resources, internet searching will only get you so far. Google is great, but you never know if you’re going to get something high-quality- and that’s especially true in ministry. You can google a theological concept or something as it relates to ministry, and you’ll find can twenty different answers! How do you pick which one to use?
You don’t have to pick. You don’t have to do it alone.
The answer is here, and it’s called
The Preacher’s Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Preaching and Leading Effectively.
Resources for Any Season of Ministry
The Preacher’s Handbook is designed to be helpful wherever you are on the preaching spectrum- super new to preaching, or seasoned in ministry and but wanting to take things to the next level.
When you’re new to ministry, you’ll often have experiences where you feel unprepared. Baby dedications, for example, or situations like the one Justin found himself in when he had to preach his first funeral while the senior pastor was out of town. When those situations arise, you’re going to be glad you had this handbook.
During your ministry career, you’ll run into specific series of events, and it’s nice to know you’re prepared when they come. Because if you’ve been in ministry for any length of time, you know that even as a seasoned minister life happens and you run into roadblocks. This last year proved that more than anything! With over 100 pages,
The Preacher’s Handbook has something for every pastor on the spectrum. It’s going to help you as you continue to grow as a leader and communicator.
Included in The Preacher’s Handbook
The Preacher’s Handbook is a series of resources for all things related to your preaching ministry. It’s designed to be a blend of helpful information and direct action steps you can use right away.
For example, we’ve included a section on lent and advent. There are resources on what it means to practice lent and advent corporately if you come from a tradition that doesn’t always observe them.
At the same time, there are other resources for things that happen throughout the year: funeral templates, baby dedication templates, and wedding templates. For these, you can literally fill them out, change names and details, and be ready to go.
If you’re looking for Sunday-to-Sunday preaching resources, those are included as well. We talk about sermon series planning. After you’ve developed those sermons and preached them, you can have church members or other local pastors fill out the sermon feedback form, so that you can get outside perspectives on how to improve your preaching.
If you’re just starting out, it can be intimidating to start writing your own sermons. Justin recently had a youth pastor reach out to him who said, “I’ve been using curriculum and other people’s sermon series so far, but is there a resource out there that would help me make my own?” If you’re in that position, this handbook is going to be perfect for you. It has everything from the big-picture process of laying out your sermons and content, to a super-practical schedule on how to write a sermon in 7 days.
We truly believe you’ll see this as a great investment. If you’re wanting to grow as a communicator of the gospel, we know that’s hard. It’s not easy communicating to a roomful of people that span all ages and life situations. It takes practice, work, and intentionality to minister well, and we believe this resource is going to help you improve in that area. The Kingdom wins when we are better communicators of God’s Word.
How to Get The Preacher’s Handbook
There are a couple of ways to get your hands on this amazing resource! If you just want the book, you can head to
The Preacher’s Handbook is a $19.00 investment that will help you for the next decade of ministry because these tips and techniques will be just as relevant in ten years as they are now.
If you’re ready to bring your preaching to the next level, we have a special deal for you! If you sign up for
Sermonary and invest in the annual plan, we’ll send you The Preacher’s Handbook for free! Use promo code “preachershandbook” when signing up for an annual plan.