Top 5 Youth Sermon Series of 2017

Youth Pastors are some of the busiest people. Ministry Pass loves helping youth leaders every week in their ministry. To end the year we want to highlight the most used youth resources of 2017.

#5- Washed

Starting off our list is a newer series with great graphics and videos, Washed been downloaded almost 571 times. This four-week series examines several biblical passages that revolve around the theme of water and/or being “washed.” Discussing John the Baptist’s message of repentance in the Gospel of Mark, this series considers the importance of baptism in the life of the believer. Naaman’s story of pride and healing is connected to our need to receive grace. And, in the final message, the continual process of washing through the water of God’s Word in sanctification is seen as a charge to all believers, everywhere.  

#4- In The World

This sermon series has received amazing feedback from youth pastors. In The World has been used 607 times in youth ministries across the world. This four-week sermon series guide uses the story of Daniel, a youth who was transplanted from what was supposed to be a God-fearing nation to a godless one, to answer the question: “Is it possible to be relevant without sacrificing the truths of the gospel?” Applicable for both youth and adults, this series connects Daniel’s story to our own to examine how believers can be in the world but not of it. These messages discuss topics like identity, purity, prayer, and courage to show how Christians can live victorious and influential lives as citizens from a different kingdom.  

#3- Underdogs

A series for the comeback kids. Underdogs has been used 643 times in different youth ministries. Life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, we feel like we’re up against the ropes. We feel like we’ve lost the fight—we feel like we’ve failed. This three-week series focuses on the importance of relying on the power of God to bounce back from difficult—even life altering—situations. By examining Old Testament figures like David, Daniel, and Joseph, this guide details how we too can go from underdogs to overcomers.  

#2- Tell a Good Story

Birthed from the mind of an evangelist comedian, This series has been a favorite for a light hearted series with a powerful message. Tell a Good Story has been used almost 900 times. This 3 week sermon series that will remind teenagers and adults about the power of a good story. Throughout the series, this bundle examines three moments in the Bible where telling a story made a major impact on the world. When we follow the examples given to us in God’s Word, we’ll find that our gospel-centered stories can lead others to meet Jesus, remind us of our heavenly Father’s faithfulness, and give us courage to live out a life of faith.  

#1- The Good Life

Want to give your youth a new perspective? Shift your culture with this series that has been used over 1100 times. This four-week series redefines what makes up The Good Life, when seen through the eyes of faith. Examining Jesus’s teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, this series wrestles with consumerism, fame, and fortune. Together, we will unmask our culture’s superficial ideas of a what makes one successful in life, and contrast them with the truths found in God’s Word.   We love serving our youth pastors every week. We are excited for all the new content coming in 2018 for everyone to use. Get all of these sermon series and tons more with your membership to Ministry Pass, sign up today.
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