When we trade our sunglass for sweaters, it’s time to welcome fall. We typically think about fall as a time for pumpkin spice and football, but fall also is a time of transition for your congregation. People reflect on the past year and look forward to what’s next. They also spend more time thinking about what gives their life meaning and satisfaction. And did you know that more people fall in love in fall than any other season?! We've pulled together our top five must-preach sermons for this fall.
Each one of these sermons is all about embracing change, digging deep, and finding hope—themes that fit perfectly with autumn's vibe. These are the ones which inspire us the most right now.
Top Ten Sermons for Fall 2023
Revival: Spiritual Awakening and Renewal
Listen, everyone was talking about the Asbury Revivals in the spring. But, now that we’re near the year’s end, have our lives really experienced the revival we longed for? Maybe we’re missing it because we’re looking in the wrong places. For some, the word revival evokes images of fiery preaching and miracle healings. For others, it has little meaning. This four-week series helps us rightly define and understand revival and its effects on individuals and communities. We’ll explore these events and discover how we might experience this same revival in our lives and churches today.
Download RevivalBringing It To The Table: Reconciliation Over Rhetoric
Let’s be real: Thanksgiving give us a chance to bring up old rivalries and grudges. Thanksgiving dinners are even punchlines in sitcoms. This four-week series will explore the way Scripture addresses conflict, divisive issues, and the hope of the gospel to bring reconciliation and healing to tense or broken relationships. Rather than avoiding difficult topics entirely or fueling the flames of controversy, we have the option to hit reset before Christmas and the New Year. Fall is a perfect time to do that.
Download Bring It To The TableGrowing In Grace
Grace reminds us to be thankful. We'd be lost without it. This two-week series for teens and adults helps us better understand grace and the role it plays in the life of a believer—from conversion to the process of sanctification.
Download Growing In GraceThe Season of Thanks
During the time of Thanksgiving, a lot of people will do a gratitude challenge. But can we have a life marked by gratitude? This three-week series examines Scripture to see what gratitude might look like if it was practiced every day, and if we found reasons to be grateful even for the hard things in life.
Download The Season of ThanksThe Unity of the Testaments
Internet discussions about the relationship (or lack there of!) between the Old and New Testaments were pretty heated this summer. IYKYK! This four-week series examines the unity between the Old Testament and the New Testament. People can segregate Old and New without fully understanding what God is saying throughout all of Scripture. If we look closely, we can see the story of redemption that unifies everyone from Abraham to Paul and points to Jesus, who is the linchpin that unites the Bible.
Download The Unity of the TestamentsGood Work
With fall being a season of transition from summer vacation, we evaluate our work satisfaction. How can we help people do so with a biblical framework? This series presents a biblical view of work that challenges the extremes of workaholism and apathy. We’ll discover the meaning and dignity in all types of work, the true purpose of work, and the opportunity in our work to serve, worship, and participate in God’s design for human flourishing.
Download Good WorkKeeping Score: What We Lose When We Keep Count
Fall equals football in most parts of the country. We’re all cheering for our team to win! This series is a play on that idea and cuts right to the heart of what traps most of us in this season: keeping a tally of who owes us, what we think God owes us, and what we deserve. This series invites us to choose to lose count: to lose count of offenses against us and forgive as Christ called us to; to lose count of what our “right hand” has given, and to freely hold up open hands that gladly give and receive; to lose count of our righteousness and acts of right living, to freely walk in the sanctifying grace of Christ; and to lose count of our failures and rest secure in God’s grace and sovereignty.
Download Keeping ScoreEnough Is Enough: Practicing Gratitude, Contentment, and Thanksgiving
We spend so much of our time chasing after careers, people, or possessions that never satisfy us in the end. When is enough, enough? This four-week series examines the biblical concept of contentment and how we can find it in Christ.
Download Enough Is EnoughSatisfied
Thanksgiving is a time of reflecting on what one has and giving thanks. Yet sometimes our habit is to compare ourselves with others and become fixated on what we don’t have. Jesus calls his followers to a radical commitment to satisfaction and contentment with what we have.
Download SatisfiedThe Five Solas
October 31st is also Reformation Day. This series looks at each of the five solas (“onlys” or “alones”). Pause this fall to reflect on the Bible, grace, faith, Christ, and God’s glory. Then, we are better able to understand God’s gift to the world and how to live as we follow him.
Download The Five SolasWrap Up
So, there you have it–our top ten favorite sermon series for this autumn. We hope that these help your people navigate the change in season as they trade pool parties for tailgates. Let us know what you think!
Oh, before we forget! Each one of these sermon series is completely customizable in our Sermonary+ platform. You can drag-and-drop each one, browse illustrations and application examples, write your content, and, then, you can easily export it to your tech team or Canva. Let us know if we can get you set up today by clicking the icon in the bottom right!