World of Wonder

World of Wonder
Awe and wonder. When was the last time you experienced them? What do you think would be the answer for your congregants? It's easy for everyday life to snuff out opportunities for awe and moments of wonder. But we worship the all-involved God who is at work in the world. God's world is a world of wonder. And it just may be that the doorway to taking notice is closer than we think. Our new series, World of Wonder is a four-week series designed to help your church see God and His glorious work with awe and wonder. Modern society often views our world as unenchanted—void of any spiritual or transcendent qualities. This four-week series offers a biblical perspective of God’s work in the world, using New Testament passages to discuss our need for the wonder of God’s presence in our daily life. These messages look at the spiritual disciplines of reading Scripture, praying, fasting, and seeking solitude in order to re-engage with God’s glorious wonder and purpose. Imagine your congregation sharing stories of experiencing God on a daily basis as they engage with these spiritual practices that have been passed down through the centuries. When people draw near to God, God will draw near to them and that's why we're excited about this new series. World of Wonder can be the turning point in many people's faith and we hope that's the case for people in your church. The World of Wonder series package comes with a full series guide, small group questions, media package, and more. The series graphic is beautifully made and will spark people's imagination as they ponder the title of the series. Get this new series from Ministry Pass - World of Wonder.  
Brandon Kelley is a pastor at The Crossing on the east side of Cincinnati. He is the managing editor of Ministry Pass, co-founder of, and the author of Preaching Sticky Sermons. You can connect with him on Twitter @BrandonKelley_.
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