Father’s Day Sermon: Ideas, Suggestions, and Scriptures

Sermon Ideas

In the article below, you will find Father’s Day sermon ideas, scriptures about fatherhood, ideas for challenging dads, and additional suggestions for honoring fathers.

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  • All In the Family: Archie Bunker is a model of bigotry, sexism, and stubbornness to his children. His lack of compassion for his wife, his dogmatic political beliefs, and his overall unwillingness to change himself to lead his family overshadow traits that might otherwise have been seen as virtuous.
  • Married… with Children: Al Bundy is a neglectful and disinterested father who attempts to run his house as an authoritarian and in his own self-interest.
  • The Simpsons: Homer is lazy, bumbling, and depicted as overall incompetent. He is an inconsistent, unpredictable father figure, and his role in the family is defined by self-interested bad habits.
  • Family Guy: Peter Griffin is portrayed as a lovable but incredibly dim-witted dad. Peter is immature, impulsive, insensitive, and self-centered, showing just enough care and affection to his kids to prevent him from being mistaken as a low-character stranger.
  • The Sopranos: On top of being a criminal, Tony Soprano’s life is defined by infidelity, violence, dynamic power struggles, and manipulation. Any affection for his children is completely undermined by his actions as a leader and the toxic environment in which his children are raised.
  • Modern Family: Phil Dunphy is arguably the most lovable father figure in television from the late 2000s to the early 2010s. He has genuine care for his family, is a sacrificial father figure, and loves each of his children uniquely. Unfortunately, he is portrayed as a buffoon, an incompetent father, and clueless, constantly playing the role of the fourth child in his marriage to Claire. 

Let’s talk about ways to make this dream a reality!

Our churches have done an incredible job of honoring mothers on Mother’s Day and go to great lengths to let mom know she is special and appreciated. Father’s Day could very easily be a back-seat Sunday because, unfortunately, many dads want nothing more than to sleep in (skipping church). But what if you made Father’s Day an occasion not to miss? A morning when Dad was excited to be with his family at church?

This Father’s Day, you can honor dads through a faithful message on biblical fatherhood; however, that is just one option.

This Father’s Day, you can honor dads through a faithful message on biblical fatherhood; however, that is just one option.

It is the challenge before you.

Men, women, and children bring their own experiences with their father (or absence of a father) into the room every week — not just Father’s Day. But Father’s Day is a cultural moment that gives us an opportunity to point our people to the ultimate father and articulate for them the characteristics of biblical masculinity found in Jesus as an alternative to the father figures pop culture puts in front of us.

Being a father is difficult and no earthly father (or father figure) is perfect. It would be one thing if everyone in our churches had perfect fathers and zero baggage, and we could discount the poor and misled examples of Hollywood dads. But that isn’t the case.

Culture is waging a war on fathers and it is nothing new. Poking fun at men has been a favorite storyline of television programming for decades, inevitably belittling fathers and fatherhood. Consider some of the most popular shows since the 1980s.

“Spare the rod, spoil the child” may be a biblical father’s day sermon but will it be the message that connects with men? Maybe. In reality, preaching that message is like preaching to the choir. You’re going to make a point but it won’t make the difference you might be hoping for.

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Father's Day Sermon Ideas

  • Preach about the topic of fatherhood
  • Preach about the character of Jesus
  • Preach through a specific scripture on fatherhood

Here are three different choices you could make about what to preach on Father’s Day.

In short, you’ll need to decide the angle you’ll preach from.

To say there are a lot of different angles you could preach from on Father’s Day would be an understatement. There is no one sermon you could share that would speak to the hurt caused by dads, the challenges of being a dad, or affirm the best qualities of our own fathers.

Preach About the Topic of Fatherhood

At Ministry Pass, we have worked hard to prepare sermon resources specifically for Father’s Day. In addition to the artwork for each sermon, we put together a specific series of guides preachers can use to find inspiration and unlock additional ideas of their own for Father’s Day messages. Each guide can be used as is, or you can download multiple guides and compile the elements that make the most sense to support your approach to a Father’s Day message.

If your tradition is to preach a special message for Father’s Day, there is no shortage of approaches to the topic. The Bible is filled with stories of parents and parental figures. 

God’s commands to Adam and Eve were in two parts — subdue the land and be fruitful and multiply. Fatherhood is one of the most fundamental ways men follow God. There are indeed many reasons someone would want to be a father yet not be able to become one and that is an important discussion to have. Still, “be fruitful and multiply” is a commandment that was given to our first parents and it is a lasting commandment for today’s Christians.

Lasting Legacy: A Father's Day Message

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A person’s legacy is not determined by who the person is, but rather, a person’s legacy is determined by what is done for Christ here on this earth; thus, anyone can leave a lasting legacy.

Rise & Tell: Father’s Day

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There are multiple sermon series graphics for this particular sermon. You can explore them below.

Father’s Day is a time we celebrate fathers and challenge them to be disciple-makers in their homes. By analyzing Psalm 78, we see that God wants parents to teach and model his ways so kids will grow to be his people and stay away from paths of destruction.

Scripture reference: Psalm 78:5–8

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Generation to Generation: Father’s Day

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This message is built around the promise of God in Psalm 119:90, that his faithfulness will endure from generation to generation.

Scripture references: Psalm 119:89–96; Ephesians 6:4

A Godly Inheritance: Father's Day

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A look at fathers in the Bible who exemplified godliness for their children and Bible readers today.

Scripture references: Job 1:1–5; 1 Timothy 4:12

A Father’s Legacy: God’s Faithfulness to the Next Generation

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Focus on the legacy left by a parental figure in the Bible.

Scripture references: 1 Timothy 1:15–17; 3:1–7; 4:6–10; 2 Timothy 2:11–13

The Power of Parenting: Father's Day

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It’s often said that the way we view our birth fathers plays a large role in how we view our heavenly Father. As a result, many picture a God who is physically or emotionally distant. However, Scripture is filled with examples of God’s constant care, presence, and love for his children. His example shows that the greatest gift fathers can give to their families is being fully present in their lives.

Scripture reference: Luke 15:1–32

Parenting Sermon Series

In addition to our specific Father’s Day sermons and outlines, we have a large catalog of sermon series guides specifically for the topic of parenting, including talking points, big ideas, illustration suggestions, and sermon artwork.

Explore These Sermon Series

Preaching About the Character of Jesus on Father’s Day

  • Jesus restored Peter and wants to restore you (John 21:15-19)
  • Jesus knows you, likes you, and holds you (John 15:9-12)
  • Give your children something that can never be taken away: Christ (Proverbs 22:6)

  • Repent and believe (Mark 1:15)
  • Breaking generational sin (Exodus 20:5-6)
  • Pursuing Godliness benefits everyone (1 Timothy 4:8)

  • Jesus has a plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • God is on the move (Isaiah 43:18-19)
  • Say “no” to a small vision for your life (John 10:10)

  • Fighting for your children (Nehemiah 4:14)
  • Confronting trials head on (James 1:2-4)
  • Jesus is calling men to himself (John 1:50)

  • Fighting for your children
  • Confronting trials head on (A great illustration for this is “Walking into the storm like the buffalo”)
  • Breaking generational sin
  • Repent and believe
  • Jesus is calling men to himself
  • Jesus knows you, likes you, and holds you
  • Pursuing Godliness benefits everyone
  • Say “no” to a small vision for your life
  • God is on the move
  • Jesus has a plan for you
  • Jesus restored Peter and wants to restore you
  • Give your children something that can never be taken away: Christ

Jesus is the ultimate example of what it means to be loving, compassionate, protective, assertive, and sacrificial — all things we want to be as fathers. To become more like Jesus is to become a better man, and as a result, a better father. You are calling the men in your congregation to become something that is of profit for all their lives.

Jesus as comforter

Jesus as sacrificial lamb

Jesus as shepherd

Jesus as warrior

Or, if you want to combine the two… 

If you want to be more thematic, specifically for Father’s Day and dads, here are a few angles you could consider preaching from.

Again, you won’t be able to speak to every person’s history, but you can point every person to the perfection found in Christ.

You can teach:

  • Jesus as warrior
  • Jesus as shepherd
  • Jesus as sacrificial lamb
  • Jesus as comforter

Preaching a sermon that vividly paints a picture of the ultimate man, Jesus, might be your best bet for connecting with all experiences brought into the room. If you focus on Jesus, paint a compelling picture of who he is, and challenge men to become more like Christ you won’t go wrong.

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Father's Day Scriptures

  • Proverbs 22:6 (Train up a child…)
  • Proverbs 3:11-12 (My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline…)
  • Ephesians 6:4 (Father’s do not provoke your children…)
  • Colossians 3:21 (Fathers, do not embitter your children…)
  • Proverbs 20:7 (A righteous man walks in his integrity…)

  • Psalm 103:13 (As a father shows compassion to his children…)
  • Psalm 18:32 (It is God who arms me with strength…)
  • Romans 8:37 (No, in all these things we are more than conquerors…)
  • Psalm 127:3-5 (Children are a heritage from the LORD…)
  • Isaiah 40:30-31 (Even youths grow tired and weary…)
  • Luke 11:11-13 (Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish…)

  • Luke 11:11-13 (“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish…”)
  • Galatians 6:9 (Let us not become weary in doing good…)
  • Galatians 4:6-7 (Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit…)
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 (For you know how, like a father…)
  • Joshua 24:15 (And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD…)
  • Luke 15:11-32 (The Parable of the Lost Son)
  • Mark 9:14-29 (Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Impure Spirit)




For instance, you could use scriptures about Father’s Day as pre-service slides. You could also create a countdown video featuring the different scriptures. If your church utilizes signage across campus, you could print scriptures about fathers and place them where your signage goes.

You already know you can use these scriptures as the baseline for your message, but you can also get creative with how you use these various scriptures. 

In addition to the scriptures referenced above in the topical sermon examples as well as the Jesus sermon examples, there are additional verses that are related to fatherhood, parenting, or raising children.

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Scriptures that would seemingly not be related to fatherhood all of a sudden can take on fresh meaning when we look at them through the lens of God as father, giving you a seemingly endless supply of scriptures and angles to leverage in your Father’s Day service.

One of Jesus’ most frequent ways of referring to God is as his father. Jesus’ understanding of God as a father gives us a new perspective on all of scripture, particularly the Old Testament. Seeing God as a father figure offers new insight into his character, how he relates to his creation, and how we can relate to him, through Christ.

  • Ezekiel 18:14 (But suppose this son who sees…)
  • Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (These commandments I give to you today…)
  • Galatians 6:9 (Let us not become weary in doing good…)
  • Numbers 14:18 (The Lord is slow to anger and abounding…)
  • Lamentations 5:7 (Our fathers sinned, and are no more;…)
  • Jeremiah 31:29-30 (In those days they shall no longer say…)

Breaking Generational Sin

You Don’t Have to Preach A Father’s Day Sermon

Here are a few ways you could recognize fathers in your service without preaching a sermon.

The reasons for this will vary from tradition to recognizing that Father’s Day may be incredibly difficult for some families. Do you have to preach a Father’s Day message? Absolutely not. Is it a good idea to recognize dads? Absolutely! When you have a chance to encourage and bless men, why wouldn’t you take it?

While there may be expectation or pressure to preach a Father’s Day message on Father’s Day, many churches will continue through their current sermon series, foregoing the opportunity to dedicate an entire sermon to dads.

Pray Over Fathers

  • find healing from the hurt caused by their fathers.
  • stand firm in the faith over the long haul so they can raise their children in the faith.
  • discover Godly friendships with other men who will challenge and support them.
  • repent of sin and pursue Godliness which is beneficial for all things.
  • be granted wisdom to know right from wrong and the strength to choose right for themselves and their children.

God is always gathering men to himself and praying for the men in your church, speaking directly to the heart desires that God has placed in them is sure to be meaningful to all and could even be a moment of transformation for some.

Pray that these men would: 

Set aside 3 minutes in your service for a prayer. Ask all dads to stand. Invite their families to place their hands on ‘dad’ and then pray. Here are a few prompts you could use:

These men are in the church right now. For whatever reason, they are in the church and they have an opportunity to hear you pray, asking God to be mindful of them.

Instead of winging your prayer for fathers and saying whatever comes to mind or whatever you may have thought through five minutes before service began, prepare a formal prayer to pray over the dads.

And they have never been prayed for.

Men who are hard-working, sacrificing for their families, trying to break the curses of their fathers, overcoming addiction, giving up on their dreams to better their families, breaking their backs to bring home paychecks, giving up their nights and weekends to coach their children’s teams, and doing just about anything they can to be a better dad than their father was to them.

Think about that for a moment.

But there are men in your church who have never been prayed for. 

For those who have been around church for several years, the concept of being prayed for isn’t all that novel.

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Give Suggestions for How to Serve Dad

ONE&ALL Church already did some of the work for you! The church sent out a survey to their congregation asking “what makes you feel loved and honored by your family?” The church compiled the results into a blog post. Not only did they provide the suggestions, but they separated them into different love languages. You can check out the list of ways to honor dad here.

Providing suggestions for how fathers like to receive service could go a long way in honoring fathers after the service has ended.

There are people in your church who want to honor the father figures in their lives (and wives who want to honor the father of their child or children) but not everyone knows what their loved one would appreciate.

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