Organize your year using our sermon calendars

Our sermon calendars give you the ability to walk your congregation through the Bible with a more intentional and balanced discipleship.

“I enjoy using the Ministry Pass calendars simply because it makes it easier. It's this one less thing I have to figure out, I have to worry about. It's all laid out. All I have to do is plug and play. Those calendars make it so much easier to do ministry things throughout my week and year.”

Richard Jones

Lead Pastor, Bridgeway Community Church

A deep selection of topics to preach to your church.

Timely series that speak to the most pressing needs of your congregation.

Sound, biblical theology for a world that continues to change.

Content that addresses the felt needs of your congregation.

A series for every book of the Bible

Sermon series that explore the depths of Scripture through each book of the Bible.

The opportunity for intentional discipleship as you walk your congregation through each book.

The ability to dive deep into scripture every week as you unpack each book.

Follow a traditional rhythm for teaching and worship

Honor the centuries-old tradition in your corporate worship services.

Preach the whole narrative of the Bible with honesty and conviction.

Connect your congregation to the entirety of the Scriptures.

Everything you need to preach compelling sermons

Get unlimited access to time-saving sermon and media resources

Customer Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it

Teach your kids ministry about the Good News

Know what you are going to teach in advance so you can focus on leading your ministry.

Have a balanced content plan for teaching your kids.

Get your discipleship plan created and organized.

Grow your student ministry to new heights

Be intentional about the content and concepts you teach teenagers in a twelve month period.

Know what you are going to teach in advance so you can focus on leading your ministry.

Get ahead and organized so you can truly lead your ministry with effectiveness and efficiency.

Get Started Today

Everything you need for intentional discipleship