Expository Sermon Calendar: Volume 5
52 Weeks

Expository Sermon Calendar: Volume 5

January – December

A 52-week roadmap through Bible books and passages including Genesis, Habakkuk, Ephesians, Revelation, and more.

New Year Prayer
January 1 Week

New Year Prayer

With this one-week New Year’s sermon, the congregation will walk through Paul’s hopeful and encouraging prayer for the church in Colossae. Paul prays that the Colossian believers will be filled with God’s knowledge and put it into practice.

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How To Read The Bible
January 4 Weeks

How To Read The Bible

This four-week sermon series encourages congregants to explore God’s Word and equips them with basic hermeneutical principles that will help them engage with Scripture and correctly interpret its texts. In this series, we will cover topics such as Jesus as the Word of God, the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament, Scripture as God-breathed, and the Bible as a book that is living and active.

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Genesis: Stories From The Beginning
February – April 9 Weeks

Genesis: Stories From The Beginning

Genesis is the first book of the Bible for two of the major world religions. But what is in it? What does it have to say, and how does this teach us about Jesus? This nine-week series on Genesis will look at some of the foundational stories in the first book of the Bible.

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Resurrection Sunday: The Preeminence of Christ
April 1 Week

Resurrection Sunday: The Preeminence of Christ

This stand-alone Easter sermon looks at Paul’s declaration that Jesus is the firstfruits of those who have died. While the first, Jesus is not the last to rise from the dead.

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The Lost Parables Of Jesus
April 3 Weeks

The Lost Parables Of Jesus

This three-week series unpacks three of Jesus’s “lost” parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. By understanding God’s heart for sinners and for bringing the lost to him, we can celebrate salvation and conversion with generous and joyful hearts.

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The Church of Ephesus
May – June 6 Weeks

The Church of Ephesus

We can look at the church of Ephesus’s growth and development through multiple books of the Bible. This six-week series follows the Ephesian church’s trajectory through Acts, Ephesians, and the Pastoral Epistles.

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Problematic Passages: Tackling The Bible Head On
June – July 6 Weeks

Problematic Passages: Tackling The Bible Head On

This six-week series looks at some of the passages in the Bible that don’t sit well with most modern readers. Passages like the imprecatory Psalms, the story of Judah and Tamar, Jesus dismissing the gentile woman at the dinner table, and Jesus’s command to hate our families. By exploring several parts of Scripture that challenge our understanding of the Bible and of God, we can strengthen our faith and find unexpected blessings in his Word.

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Psalm 23: I Shall Not Want
August 4 Weeks

Psalm 23: I Shall Not Want

This four-week series is grounded in Psalm 23. Each week will focus on different aspects of God as the shepherd of our lives and on our calling to give ourselves over into his complete care.

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Guest Speaker
September Week

Guest Speaker

Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.

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Silence: The Book of Habakkuk
September – October 4 Weeks

Silence: The Book of Habakkuk

This four-week series will dive into the difficult topic of how we can trust God when he seems silent and distant. Habakkuk, one of the Minor Prophets, faced many of the same questions and objections that we still face today: Where is God in the midst of injustice? Why doesn’t God do something about wickedness and suffering? How can I still trust God when what I believe in my heart doesn’t match what I see with my eyes?

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The Book of Revelation: The Great Comfort
October – November 8 Weeks

The Book of Revelation: The Great Comfort

This sermon series explores the book of Revelation and helps us read Revelation as a book of hope and comfort, not a cipher with secret insights into the end times. It walks through eight passages focusing on the sovereignty of God and his plan to right every wrong.

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Comfort and Joy: An Advent Series
December 4 Weeks

Comfort and Joy: An Advent Series

We describe the Christmas season as being full of comfort and joy—and Isaiah 40:1–5 has a lot to say about that. This series unpacks the passage and reminds us that God through Jesus has brought comfort in our pain and joy through salvation; because of this, we can prepare our lives for redemption and proclaim Jesus to the world.

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Start At The End
December 1 Week

Start At The End

New Year’s is an opportunity for people to take stock of their life, think about the future, and make some changes. But as this single message reminds us, the number-one thing we need to remember as we enter a new year is to focus on God and his power, beauty, and glory.

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