Ministry Pass is a sermon series & church graphics library created by pastors, for pastors.

Children's Lesson Calendar: Volume 6
January – DecemberA 52-week roadmap through topics like prayer, following Jesus, and sharing the Good News.

Let It Go
While the new year is typically about adding new things—new goals, new habits, and new routines—this series challenges us to let go. To let go of things that weigh us down, regrets that hold us back, and harmful mindsets that are based on lies instead of on God’s truth.
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Awesome God
This four-week series shows us how extraordinary God is and why he deserves not only our praise but also our utmost respect. This series asks: What does it mean that God is holy? What does God’s holiness say about his character? How can we come close to a holy God?
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Our Father
This five-week series for students walks us through the Lord’s Prayer and invites us into a deeper relationship with our heavenly Father. This prayer guides our prayer practice by acknowledging God’s holiness, participating in his kingdom and will, trusting him to be our provider, asking for and accepting forgiveness, and trusting him to lead us away from trials.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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The Gift Of Easter
This Easter sermon is anchored in Paul’s words about the wages of sin and helps us understand how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection have provided the incredible gift that he purchased and prepared for us.
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Sharing Good News
This four-week series examines the idea of being witnesses for Christ. Acts 1 calls all believers to witness and testify about the good news of Christ. As we study this chapter and others, we’ll learn how to live as witnesses for Christ every day in our normal activities and interactions with others through the power of the Holy Spirit.
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Summer Vacation
This six-week series takes summer vacation themes and asks what we might learn about God from them. We will look at nature, frustrating vacation moments, and habits that show us more of God and how we are formed in his image.
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Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles love to give advice. “Back in my day…” they begin, and often we close our ears. This four-week series explores some commonly heard wisdom from the grown-ups in our lives, along with their foundation in biblical truth. What if the generations before us have some things to teach us? What if the lessons they were taught as young people are still good for us today? We’ll find out together that the older generations really do have something to share with us.
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Following Jesus
This four-part series challenges us to follow the example of Jesus. To do so, we must learn to recognize and practice the spiritual disciplines Jesus practiced. Each week focuses on a different discipline from the life of Jesus.
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Better Than a Fairytale: The Story of Esther
This four-week series explores the story of Esther. Through understanding the book’s backstory and context, we can see that the story is not a fairy tale but an understanding of how God can work behind the scenes with imperfect people in a hostile environment.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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You Belong
This four-week series looks at the great invitation of the gospel: to become part of God’s family and grow in our faith. Over the course of this series, students will learn why it’s important to grow in their relationship with God and why we are told to go and proclaim the good news to others.
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A Safe Place
This four-week uses Psalm 91 to show us how God serves as our refuge and how his presence—a very safe place in times of trouble—offers believers a place of safety and comfort when a situation feels overwhelming.
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A Full Heart
In anticipation of the Christmas season of feasting, this four-week series examines the idea of food in relationship to the Christian walk. The Bible teaches us to hunger after the things of God and to taste and see that God is good. By examining key verses, we will see the connection between physical food and spiritual food. Jesus is the Bread of Life, and we share that Bread with others in Christian community. We also need to be aware of false teaching (fake food) that provides no growth or nourishment to our souls.
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Christmas Light
This four-week series examines the deeper meaning behind the Advent season, using Isaiah 9 as a foundation for this year’s celebration. Sometimes called the “little Lent,” Advent is the anticipation and celebration of the arrival of Christ. It’s a season that is meant to draw our attention once again to Christ and keep him at the fore of our hearts, lest we get lost in the presents, decorations, and festivities without remembering why we’re celebrating in the first place.
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