Ministry Pass is a sermon series & church graphics library created by pastors, for pastors.

Youth Sermon Calendar: Volume 5
January – DecemberA 52-week roadmap for students through topics like loneliness, identity, evangelism, and friendship.

Wrapped: Your Year In Review
Looking back like the popular Spotify year-end “Wrapped” list, this one-week series invites students to pause to consider the places and ways God moved and worked in their lives during the previous year. We will look at how and why remembering what God has done is a wise practice, done by people throughout history.
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Do Not Fear
This three-week series looks at some of the great “do not fear” passages in the Scriptures. By considering these passages, students are encouraged to remember that no matter what their future holds, God is with them.
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Suggested Friends
Social media algorithms suggest friends based on our mutual connections and interests. While that’s well and good, we would do well to apply Scripture’s wisdom on friendship and relationships when we choose which relationships we should pursue and invest in. This series encourages students to seek the outsiders, to seek mentors, to seek community among other believers, and to seek dating partners who display godly character.
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Never Alone
This series looks at times in the Bible when men and women felt alone or abandoned and found that God was with them. Stories like those of Dinah and the widow of Zarephath’s son show us that even when those we should be able to lean on and trust have betrayed or abandoned us, God still sees, cares, and intercedes on our behalf—even if we can’t see his loving hand in the midst of our grief and hurt.
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True Religion
What does faith look like? How does faith change my life? How does my faith change the world around me for the better? This five-week series from the Letter of James answers these questions as it moves through James’s teachings on faith in action. This is practical theology for all believers, but especially younger and newer followers of Jesus. With one teaching from each of James’s five chapters, we’re encouraged to read through the whole letter and discover what true religion might look like.
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You Might Have Heard This Before: Repeated For A Reason
This four-week series unpacks a few repeated concepts, phrases, or words found in the Bible. We will discover why they are frequently repeated and how they apply to our lives.
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Who Am I?
Identity is a huge issue for youth. Teens are presented with infinitely more categories than previous generations had to figure out, and there is a sense that they need to know themselves right away. The resulting inner confusion and chaos feel out of control. How is a teenager supposed to know who they are? Rather than didactic lessons, this four-week series explores the stories of those who have walked through struggle and yet continued to be held by the hand of God. Maybe God didn’t take away their questions, but he did walk beside them.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Free Indeed
This single message, intended for use on Independence Day in the United States, explores the reality that in the resurrection, Christ has made believers free from the bondage of sin and free to live in his fullness.
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The Summer Blues
This four-week series looks at the struggle everyone can have with the “post-event” blues. Whether it’s a camp, conference, or the end of an amazing experience, we can struggle to move forward. Through looking at the unchanging nature of God, the seasons of life, and the dangers of nostalgia, we can move our walk with God beyond high moments to an everyday renewal of the Christian life.
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Faith Goes To School
Being a witness for Christ was never intended to be an obligation. It’s much more than standing up on a stage and giving an altar call; it’s also a way we honor and reflect the work God is doing in and through our lives. Living as witnesses allows us to develop relationships with those around us and invites them to ask us why our lives look different—and how they can trust Jesus as their Savior as well. In this four-week back-to-school series for youth, we consider what it means for students to be Christians and witnesses in their schools and communities.
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The Young Church
This four-week series explores the life and characteristic of the early church. The early church we find in Acts was young and just starting. Yet even though the church was just being started they were a people that were diverse, marked by truth, relationship, community, and life transformation that led to loving the world around them.
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Scared Of The Ghost
This four-week series invites students to walk with the Holy Spirit as friend, teacher, comforter, and guide by looking at how the Holy Spirit interacted with believers in the New Testament. We will talk about what the Holy Spirit offers us and how we can respond accordingly.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Blessed: The Beatitudes
This three-part series explores Jesus’s Beatitudes in Matthew 5. It considers what it means to live a blessed life in God’s kingdom. Over the three sermons, students will discover that Jesus’s idea of a blessed life is very different from the world’s idea.
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No Youth Service: Thanksgiving
Use this bundle to announce a youth service cancellation. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, and several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Blessed: The Beatitudes
This three-part series explores Jesus’s Beatitudes in Matthew 5. It considers what it means to live a blessed life in God’s kingdom. Over the three sermons, students will discover that Jesus’s idea of a blessed life is very different from the world’s idea.
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He Is Here: God Is With Us
This three-part Christmas series unpacks each word of the title. It will challenge students to recognize the significance of Jesus’s incarnation for our daily lives.
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No Youth Service: Winter Holidays
Use this bundle to announce a youth service cancelation. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, and several other multi-purpose layouts.
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