Youth Sermon Calendar: Volume 6
52 Weeks

Youth Sermon Calendar: Volume 6

January – December

A 52-week roadmap through topics like salvation, the trustworthiness of Scripture, stewardship, and prayer.

Your Best Yes
January 3 Weeks

Your Best Yes

This four-week series challenges students to say yes to Jesus every day by looking at four people from the Bible who said yes to him. As we encounter daily opportunities to say yes, we are encouraged to choose wisely and faithfully, making our relationship with Jesus our top priority.

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Under Pressure
February 4 Weeks

Under Pressure

For most people, the new year means a fresh start, but for students, it marks the halfway point in the school year. With just a few short months of school left, students face questions about the end of the year, the summer, and the transition to a new grade or school. Seniors, especially, are facing big decisions about life after school and “who they want to be when they grow up.” This four-week youth series invites students to face the pressures of the last semester of school with confidence in God’s help, God’s guidance, and God’s presence.

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Can I Trust The Bible?
March 4 Weeks

Can I Trust The Bible?

This series seeks to persuade students of the trustworthiness of the Bible. By helping them better understand the Bible, they’ll be more equipped to engage it, and more open to trust and apply it to their daily lives.

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April 4 Weeks


In the garden, Adam and Eve were presented with a temptation to be like God. That temptation is still presented to humans everywhere, and we often blindly fall into it. This four-week youth series looks at the temptation to be godlike.

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Working It Out
May 4 Weeks

Working It Out

This youth series is anchored in Philippians 2:12, where Paul tells the Philippians to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” The series will help students understand what it means for Christians to work out their salvation, while emphasizing that we work from our salvation and not for our salvation. We’ll explore four questions regarding Philippians 2:12: What does it mean? Why is it important? How do I begin? and How do I finish well?

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Our Father
June – July 5 Weeks

Our Father

This five-week series for youth walks us through the Lord’s Prayer and invites us into a deeper relationship with our heavenly Father. This prayer guides us in prayer practice by acknowledging his holiness, by participating in his kingdom and will, by trusting him to be our provider, by asking for and accepting forgiveness, and by trusting him to lead us away from trials.

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Summer Fest
July – August 5 Weeks

Summer Fest

From Coachella to the backyard barbecue, warm weather brings out the celebration in all of us. This five-week series introduces students to some of the significant feasts and festivals in the Bible, starting with the Passover in Exodus and ending with the marriage supper of the Lamb in Revelation. Unlike many of our celebrations, these celebrations gathered people for the purpose of giving glory to God and growing together in faith.

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Give, Save, Spend
August 3 Weeks

Give, Save, Spend

This three-week series for youth looks at the basic principles of stewardship to learn how to manage the time, resources, and gifts God has given us. We will discover how to use these assets with wisdom, generosity, and faith.

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Bad Words
September 4 Weeks

Bad Words

This four-week series touches on the topic of bad words and why we shouldn’t use them. We will explore Scriptures about the power of words and discover the real, God-honoring purposes of our words.

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October 2 Weeks


This two-part sermon series for youth looks at the parable of the prodigal son. The first week examines God’s love for those who repent and come back to him. The second week examines how we respond to God’s unconditional love toward others.

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A Safe Place
October – November 4 Weeks

A Safe Place

This four-week series digs deep into Psalm 91, exploring God as our refuge and how his presence—a very safe place in times of trouble—is available for believers to run to when they face the storms of life.

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Never Enough
November – December 3 Weeks

Never Enough

This three-week series exposes the lies behind our consumer-driven culture filled with consumption, desire, and fulfillment. We will examine the virtues of generosity, sacrifice, and contentment found in the Bible.

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God and Neighbor: The Incarnation of Christ
December 3 Weeks

God and Neighbor: The Incarnation of Christ

This three-week series explores what it means that God moved into the neighborhood when Jesus was born. We will learn what gifts we are offered because of Christ’s incarnation and his embodiment of both God and neighbor.

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