Ministry Pass is a sermon series & church graphics library created by pastors, for pastors.

Children's Lesson Calendar: Volume 7
January – DecemberA 52-week roadmap through topics like walking in the Spirit, Jesus's return, obedience, and Christian belief.

Step By Step
This four-week series looks what Galatians 5 tells us about walking in the Spirit. God’s children are meant to follow in God’s footsteps throughout their lives. The New Testament shows us we can only be like the Father by imitating the life of the Son (Jesus) and walking hand in hand with the Spirit. This series will consider ways to walk in the Spirit, step-by-step (Galatians 5:25) through the new year.
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God's Big Story
This six-part series looks at the lives of ordinary people God used in extraordinary ways. By the end of the series, students will have a better understanding of the part we can play in God’s story of redemption.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Jesus' Time
This four-week Easter series examines Jesus’s repeated references to “his hour” throughout the Gospel of John, following the trail all the way to the cross. These sermons are designed to deepen your congregation’s affection for Christ, as the hour of Jesus is that moment in time when God in Christ reveals his unconditional and unwavering love for the world.
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The Great Rescue
This Easter sermon seeks to establish the idea that Jesus’s work through the cross was a rescue mission. He didn’t come just to teach, love, or leave a good example to help good people become better. He came to rescue us from death, darkness, and a captivity only he could break.
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While We Wait
Our songs and prayers regularly confess our faith in the “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13) of Christ’s return. Yet, many of us still wonder what the promise of Christ’s return in the future means for us now while we wait. This four-week series explores the ways in which the promise of Christ has the power to transform our day-to-day lives.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Summer Survival Guide
This four-week series helps children prepare for the summer by providing helpful tips for challenges they might face during the summer months, such as boredom, loneliness, temptations, and worry about the future. We will look at people from the Bible who faced similar challenges and learn how they handled them with God’s help.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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We Believe
This four-week series examines the Nicene Creed and its development from the Council of Nicaea. Through examining the Jerusalem Council, we see the importance of leaders being guided by the Spirit to help clarify issues about what the church believes. We also see the heresy that led to the need for the creed and the importance of affirming the divinity of Jesus and the Godhead.
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Talks With Jesus
This four-week series invites us to listen in on four conversations people had with or about Jesus in the Gospels. We will look at a moment when Jesus caused someone to make an immediate change, at someone who walked away from a gift Jesus offered, at someone restored to her rightful place in the family of God after talking with Jesus, and at someone who responded by offering his life after Jesus gently challenged his doubts.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to introduce a guest speaker to your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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House Rules
This four-week series examines ways we can support our families. Different from the usual “family” sermon series, here we see that the Scriptures predominantly talk about taking care of our neighbors. We can sometimes forget that our family members are our neighbors too, and we should treat them as such. During the series, we’ll reflect on ways God calls us to serve our family whether they live in the same house as us or not, so that they can receive the light of Christ.
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The Story of Jonah
This four-week sermon series shows God’s great love and relentless pursuit of sinful people. From rebellious cities to runaway prophets, nobody is beyond God’s reach.
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I'm Thankful
This series looks at the thanksgiving prayers in Paul’s epistles and uses four points of thanks that Paul offers God as a way to help inspire gratitude and praise in our hearts as we enter the Thanksgiving and holiday season.
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Making Room
This four-week series examines the Advent season and the idea of making room. We must make room for Christ and the hope he has given, for others whom God loves and has given peace to, for seekers like the magi who found Jesus, and for enemies since God showed love to us in Christ even while we were enemies.
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Starting Over
This stand-alone message reminds us that because of and through Christ, we have a continual invitation to begin again. No matter if it’s a day, a week, a month, or a year, there is always grace and an opportunity to begin our walk with Christ again when we become distracted or distant in our faith.
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