Ministry Pass is a sermon series & church graphics library created by pastors, for pastors.

Expository Sermon Calendar: Volume 7
January – DecemberA 52-week roadmap through Bible books and passages including Deuteronomy, Ezekiel, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and more.

The Harvest
This single-week sermon for the new year looks at Matthew 9:35–38 and encourages us to pray for the lost and for the ongoing work of the gospel. Use this sermon to stir up compassion in your community, inspiring people to participate in the mission of Jesus Christ in the world.
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If God Is For Us
At the end of Romans 8, Paul asks five remarkable questions and all of them are rooted in the idea “If God is for us …” This two-week series explores both what it means and what it doesn’t mean for God to be for us.
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Guest Speaker: Join Us This Sunday
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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The Old Testament God
Many people wonder if the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament. This series helps us see how God’s loving character is revealed in both testaments of the Bible.
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Guest Speaker: Join Us This Sunday
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Hearts of Stone
This six-week Lent series borrows its title from Ezekiel 36 and the picture given there of “the heart of stone” (v. 26). The series looks at ways our hearts are hardened or can be hardened and God’s invitation to transform our callous hearts into “hearts of flesh.” This sermon series is meant to edify your church body by entreating stagnant Christians to seek and find spiritual renewal in Christ.
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Jesus, The Nazarene, King Of The Jews
A placard reading “Jesus, King of the Jews” hung above Christ’s cross. Why was this title chosen, and what does it mean for us? This Easter sermon examines the significance of this title, and the significance of Christ’s death and resurrection.
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Kingdom Come: 1 and 2 Thessalonians
This series looks at 1 and 2 Thessalonians to help us understand Paul’s teaching about Christ’s return.
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Guest Speaker: Join Us This Sunday
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Summer Study: The Book of Deuteronomy
This eight-week series moves through Deuteronomy—exploring the setting, themes, theology, and enduring relevance of the final book of the Pentateuch. Deuteronomy revolves around a set of sermons that were preached by Moses—the first of a long line of prophets in the Jewish tradition—to the people of Israel in his final days on earth. Thus, this sermon series reveals the heart of a prophet at the end of the road, whose words are just as relevant for us now as they were for the Israelites of old.
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Guest Speaker: Join Us This Sunday
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Daniel: After the Lion's Den
This series connects us with the themes found in the often strange and mysterious dreams, visions, and prophecies in the second half of Daniel. In the midst of exile and mourning, Daniel cried out to God. He demonstrates for us the power of confession of sin, even on behalf of one’s group. We see in his story God’s reassurance that evil will not always win.
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Guest Speaker: Join Us This Sunday
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Philippians: Defiant Joy
In this eight-week series on the book of Philippians, we will examine the source of Paul’s defiant joy while he lived under house arrest in Rome. The apostle Paul was a light to the Philippians, radiating joy to a church disheartened by their mentor’s imprisonment. Like Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi, this eight-week sermon series is designed to encourage your church to find joy in the midst of suffering, bringing hope to the dispirited and despairing.
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Thanks In All Things
This four-week series begins with a premise rooted in 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18, which instructs us to rejoice, pray, and be thankful in every circumstance. That is a challenging command! Can we really rejoice always? Look around. Life is full of messy and difficult situations, over many of which we have little control. This series examines how to find strength in the Lord, practice gratitude, embrace lament, and find support in our community to endure whatever life throws at us with a joyful heart.
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Promises Kept
This four-week series for the Christmas season examines the importance of God keeping his promises, revealed in Jesus. Through looking at the Old Testament, we see that Jesus fulfills God’s promise of being with his people, showing his rule over the earth, and giving peace to the world.
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Start Small: Small Steps, Big Results
The new year excites new hope and inspires determination to change in the year ahead, typically through major overhauls of diets, spending, and other habits. This New Year’s sermon pulls from the encouragement and wisdom found in Zechariah 4:10 (where Zechariah and the other returned exiles are encouraged through a vision to continue the rebuilding of the temple) to show us that starting small might be the better way.
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