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Book 53 of 66

The Second Epistle To The Thessalonians

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Who is the Author?

Though there is little debate concerning the Pauline authorship of 1Thessalonians, there is some debate over the authorship of 2 Thessalonians. This debate seems to be relatively recent, though, since 2 Thessalonians is attributed to Paul in the Marcionite and Muratorian canons of Scripture.1 The main reasons that scholars doubt Pauline authorship is that the literary style of 2 Thessalonians seems too close to that of 1 Thessalonians, thus making it seem like a copy by someone other than Paul; also there is a difference in the eschatology in 2 Thessalonians.2 However, the evidence for these arguments is not very compelling, and so Paul seems to be the author of 2 Thessalonians.3

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