Ministry Pass is a sermon series & church graphics library created by pastors, for pastors.

Youth Sermon Calendar: Volume 7
January – DecemberA 52-week roadmap through topics like spiritual disciplines, living as a witness, uncertainty, and the way of wisdom.

No Youth Service: New Year
Use this bundle to announce a New Years youth service cancelation. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, and several other multi-purpose layouts.
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This six-week series examines various rhythms that support our life of faith. Repetition has proven beneficial in many aspects of life, and our faith is no exception. Some rhythms start outside of ourselves. Some start with our own actions and perspectives. All of them, however, support our trust in Christ and our service for our neighbors.
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Glorious Purpose
This series challenges students to reject the temptation of finding purpose through seeking glory and points them instead to a purpose that’s glorious by a different definition. By the end of the series, students will be confident in God’s purpose for their lives.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Guard Your Heart
Proverbs tells us to “guard our hearts,” but what does this mean, and what does it look like to do this in our day-to-day lives?
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He Gets It
This four-week youth series helps us see Jesus as our sympathetic high priest. We will discover what it means that Jesus is both God and human—and that he understands us because he experienced pain, temptation, and struggles like what we face today. As our understanding of Jesus’s life grows, our relationship with him deepens.
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Can We Be Sure?
This four-week series looks at certainty and doubt in the Christian life. We will discover that having doubts is not sinful and can be used to strengthen our relationship with Jesus. We’ll look at four instances in the Bible when someone was forced to decide whether they could be sure about God or not.
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Summer Survival Guide
This four-week series helps students prepare for the summer by providing helpful tips for challenges they might face during the summer months such as boredom, loneliness, temptations, and worry about the future. We will look at people form the Bible who faced similar challenges and learn how they handled them with God’s help.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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This four-week series invites us to listen in on four different conversations that people had with or about Jesus in the Gospels. We will look at a moment when Jesus caused someone to make an immediate change, at someone who walked away from a gift Jesus offered, at someone restored to her rightful place in the family of God after talking with Jesus, and at someone who responded by offering his life after Jesus gently challenged his doubts.
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Salt and Light
This four-week youth sermon series helps students understand what it means to be salt and light in the world around them. It highlights God’s promise to guide us and the command to be a wise influencer while warning against being too “salty” in a world that is full of snark and anger.
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Guest Speaker
Use this bundle to announce that a guest speaker will be at your service. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, along with several other multi-purpose layouts.
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Don’t Be That Guy
This four-week series peeks at the “fool” character in Proverbs and helps students apply wisdom to avoid being “that guy” who despises wisdom, spreads slander, consistently avoids work, and doesn’t value spending time with Jesus. After we point out what makes “that guy” so foolish, we’ll learn what it means to live wisely.
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This four-week series examines the modern fascination with spiritual things and how to recognize the difference between faith, trusting God, and God’s glory in creation versus ideas like karma, energy or vibes, trusting the Universe, or new age practices and naturalism.
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Jesus on Gratitude
This four-week series examines situations in which Jesus himself gave thanks or taught others about giving thanks.
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No Youth Service: Thanksgiving
Use this bundle to announce a youth service cancellation. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, and several other multi-purpose layouts.
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God and Neighbor: The Incarnation of Christ
This three-week series explores what it means that God moved into the neighborhood when Jesus was born. We will learn what gifts we are offered because of Christ’s incarnation and his embodiment of both God and neighbor.
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No Youth Service: Christmas
Use this bundle to announce a youth service cancelation. Included in the bundle is an announcement slide, bulletin graphic, Facebook cover photo, postcard graphic, and several other multi-purpose layouts.
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No Youth Service: New Year
Use this bundle to announce a New Years youth service cancelation.
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